Program for teachers

Module «Inclusive practices» (48 academic hours)

First block (24 academic hours)

Lecturer: Murzalinova-YakovlevaSaltanat

Second block (24 academic hours)

Lecturer: Kadyrova Ainur Daniyalkyzy

The course is designed for teachers working with students with special educational needs.

Course objective: to provide methodological support to teachers who have children with special educational needs in their classrooms through the study of foundations of special educational needs; transition from a correctional model to an inclusive one; the implementation of the right of all children to quality education within the framework of the state policy of inclusive education.

Interactive teaching methods. Tools and programs for involving students in the learning process (6 academic hours)

Course for: teachers, methodologists of schools.

Course objective: allow teachers to confidently implement online interactive learning services in their lessons.

Lecturer: Aliya Kadyrova

Development of original and methodical materials (10 academic hours)

Course objective: to master the methodology of developing and compiling original programs and educational materials.

Course for: school teachers striving to improve pedagogical excellence and ready for professional development.

Lecturer: Smakova D.R. teacher-researcher of the highest qualification category, history teacher.

The teacher’s portfolio as a condition for professional growth (16 academic hours)

Course objective: to ensure personal growth of the teacher and administration of professional development.

Course for: school teachers striving to improve pedagogical excellence and ready for professional development.

Lecturer: Smakova D.R.

Parent — partner of education (8 academic hours)

Course objective: effective communication with parents in the interests of children and their academic process.

Course for: deputy school principals responsible for educational work, behavioral work and classroom teachers.

Lecturer: Kushkabaeva A. M.

Fundraising and interaction with the Board of Trustees (8 academic hours)

Course objective: to form an understanding about effective work of school managers with the board of trustees; to acquaint with the principles of fundraising/crowdfunding in order to attract resources to the school.

Course for: School Principals, Deputy School Principals, Chairmen and members of the Board of Trustees.

Lecturer: Dilimbetova G.A.

Scientific literacy. Teachers (12 academic hours)

Course objective: formation of scientific and research skills of teachers working with gifted students; participating in scientific projects, developments and conferences.

Course for: teachers working with gifted children, supervising the research activities of students, deputies of schools responsible for scientific work.

Lecturer: Kusainova L.A.

Scientific literacy. Pupils (12 academic hours)

Course objective: formation of scientific and research skills in students taking part in scientific/technical projects and conferences.

Course for: High school students engaged in research, participating in scientific/technical projects.

Lecturer: Kusainova L.A.

How to launch STEAM in school (16 academic hours)

Course objective: facilitate natural science teachers’ partnership with humanitarian science teachers STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics); areas that contribute to the development of intellectual abilities and involve children in scientific and technical creativity e.g., a Robotics course.

Course for: high school natural science and humanities teachers engaged in research and leading student projects.

Lecturer: Zhakeeva A. A.

Module — Using University technologies for the School (26 academic hours)

First block — University technologies at the service of the school (8 academic hours)
Second block- Point-rating system of assessment: how to motivate students to manage their education. (6 academic hours)

Case study or a task in the style of PISA. How to improve students’ functional skills (12 academic hours)

Course objective: to show the value of university technologies, the effectiveness of which is assessed by university teachers and to form the continuity of three levels of education: school-college-university.
Application of a point-rating system of assessment and formation of academic independence of high school students.
Use of case study technology in the work of teachers to facilitate to teachers potential to be creative and original and students to have independence and creativity in solving academic problems.

Course for: high school teachers, deputy directors for educational and methodological work.

Lecturer: Mendybaeva Zh.