About 40 teachers from the cities of Zhezkazgan and Satpaev participated in the event. At the first meeting of the club there were 70% English teachers, but this time 50% English teachers and 50% subject teachers who teach their subject in English. Just one of the main goals is the cooperation and mutual assistance of teachers.
At the meeting of the club, 6 speakers spoke on the topics: «Interactive methods of teaching English»
1) Nurzhanova Saniya Zhumagalievna, KSU “Secondary School No. 14”. 2) Sakenova Ayagoz Daniyarovna, KSU “Gymnasium named after Saken Seifullin. 3) Alpysbay Aida Sagniyakyzy, KSU “School-gymnasium named after. Bauyrzhan Momyshuly”. 4) Dyusembekova Meruert Kundakbaevna, 5) Saulembekova Aigerim Zhanaevna, Lyceum School No. Abai».
On the topics: «Preparation and publication of the results of research activities of a teacher-researcher», «Useful tips for passing IELTS»
6) Zhandildinov Medet, KSU “Gymnasium named after Saken Seifullin”
In the second part of the session, the teachers played different games and won prizes from Santa. The event ended with a buffet for teachers from Ustaz Ulytau.
![01/03/2023 at school-lyceum No. 4 in Satpaev, the second meeting of the club of English-speaking teachers “English Speaking Teacher’s Club” was successfully held on the topic “Experience Exchange”.](https://uef.kz/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/WhatsApp-Image-2023-01-08-at-16.50.53-8-1024x608.jpeg)